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Abnormal Bleeding Specialist

South Shore Women's Care

Larissa Fomitcheva, MD, PhD, FACOG

Obstetrics and Gynecology located in Lindenhurst, NY

Many women experience abnormalities in their menstrual cycle at various points in their life. Abnormal bleeding is common, but if you’re experiencing changes in your menstrual cycle, you should contact Larissa Fomitcheva, MD, and the team at South Shore Women's Care in West Islip and Lindenhurst, New York, for an evaluation. Call the nearest office or request an appointment online today.

Abnormal Bleeding Q & A

What is abnormal bleeding?

Abnormal bleeding refers to any menstrual bleeding that doesn’t fit into your normal parameters. For most women, a normal menstrual cycle is 24 to 38 days with no more than eight days of bleeding.

You may be experiencing abnormal bleeding if:

  • Your menstrual cycle is shorter than 24 days or longer than 38 days
  • You bleed longer than eight days
  • You bleed or spot in between your periods
  • You bleed after intercourse
  • You’re bleeding after menopause

Your bleeding may also be considered abnormal if you suffer from heavy bleeding, which may mean you bleed through a tampon or pad in an hour for several consecutive hours, or your bleeding leads to anemia.

What causes abnormal bleeding?

Your abnormal bleeding may develop from a number of causes. The most common include:

  • Endometrial polyps
  • Fibroids 
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Miscarriage
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Sexually transmitted disease (STD)
  • Certain types of gynecological cancer

It’s not uncommon for women to experience abnormal bleeding during puberty or as they approach menopause. However, in both cases, you should see South Shore Women's Care for an evaluation.

What happens during an evaluation for abnormal bleeding?

Dr. Fomitcheva performs a comprehensive examination when you come to the office with concerns about abnormal bleeding. In addition to reviewing your symptoms and medical history, Dr. Fomitcheva also performs a physical and pelvic exam. She may also request diagnostic testing, such as bloodwork or an ultrasound, to confirm or rule out the underlying cause of your abnormal bleeding.

What are the treatments for abnormal bleeding?

Dr. Fomitcheva develops individualized treatment plans based on the cause of your abnormal bleeding, the severity of your symptoms, and your overall health.

Treatment options may include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Hormonal birth control
  • Antibiotics for an STD
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH), which stops your menstrual cycle and shrinks fibroids

In some cases, you may benefit from a surgical procedure to treat your abnormal bleeding. The type of procedure you need may depend on the cause of your abnormal bleeding. Dr. Fomitcheva is a skilled surgeon and utilizes the most advanced tools and techniques when possible.

Abnormal bleeding is common, but it requires an evaluation. To get answers to your questions, call South Shore Women's Care or request an appointment online today.