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Pregnancy Specialist

South Shore Women's Care

Larissa Fomitcheva, MD, PhD, FACOG

Obstetrics and Gynecology located in Lindenhurst, NY

Throughout the roughly 40 weeks of your pregnancy, you should visit an obstetrician you trust for regular prenatal care. At South Shore Women's Care in Lindenhurst, New York, Larissa Fomitcheva, MD, gives you the testing and services you need for pregnancy, whether or not it is high-risk. To start your pregnancy care, call South Shore Women's Care or book an appointment online today.

Pregnancy Q & A

What is pregnancy?

Pregnancy is the gestational period that lasts for around 40 weeks after a sperm fertilizes an egg. Once this happens, the fertilized egg implants in your uterus, where it stays and grows into an embryo and later a baby.

Prenatal care is the health care you get throughout your pregnancy to keep both you and your baby healthy. South Shore Women's Care offers excellent prenatal care throughout all three trimesters of your pregnancy. 

How can I tell if I’m pregnant?

The only way to get a definite answer as to whether or not you’re pregnant is to take a pregnancy test. However, you might notice some changes in your body first. Pregnancy can cause:

  • Missed periods
  • Light uterine bleeding or spotting
  • Weight gain
  • Heartburn
  • Cramps
  • Breast changes
  • Vomiting
  • Back pain
  • Insomnia
  • Depression


A home pregnancy test, or a lab pregnancy test at South Shore Women's Care, can confirm if the symptoms you’re experiencing are from pregnancy. 

When is pregnancy high risk?

At South Shore Women's Care, Dr. Fomitcheva specializes in prenatal care for pregnancy and high-risk pregnancy. A high-risk pregnancy is a pregnancy that puts either you or your baby’s life at risk of complications due to one or more of several circumstances. Dr. Fomitcheva can facilitate your care for a pregnancy that’s high-risk because of:

  • Obesity
  • Multiple births (e.g., twins, triplets)
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • Young maternal age
  • Old maternal age


Dr. Fomitcheva personalizes your care and keeps a close eye on any underlying conditions that might affect your pregnancy. Specialized care for a high-risk pregnancy gives you the best possible prenatal care outcome. 

Which services do I need throughout my pregnancy?

At South Shore Women's Care, you visit Dr. Fomitcheva regularly throughout your pregnancy for all necessary prenatal care services. For the first 32 weeks of pregnancy, you should come in once every 4-6 weeks unless she tells you otherwise. For weeks 32-37, you should visit once every 2-3 weeks. After week 37, Dr. Fomitcheva needs to see you weekly until delivery.


The first prenatal care visit is the most involved. Dr. Fomitcheva performs a full physical exam, including a pelvic exam, blood tests, urine tests, and sexually transmitted disease testing. She coaches you about your diet and lifestyle and might discuss prenatal vitamins with you.

During follow-up prenatal care visits, Dr. Fomitcheva updates measurements like your blood pressure, weight, and the growth of your belly. She also checks your urine and listens to the fetal heartbeat. There may be other tests depending on your personal health, and you can bring up any questions and concerns that have come up since your last visit. 

Standard ultrasound imaging and detailed 4D ultrasounds are available to track the growth of your baby and detect signs of congenital disabilities. 

For top-tier pregnancy care, schedule an appointment over the phone or online at South Shore Women's Care today.