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Sexual Health Specialist

South Shore Women's Care

Larissa Fomitcheva, MD, PhD, FACOG

Obstetrics and Gynecology located in Lindenhurst, NY

Sexual health is more than just the absence of disease. Its broad scope covers the emotional, physical, mental, and social aspects of your well-being in relation to sexuality. OB/GYN Larissa Fomitcheva, MD, brings a wealth of experience in reproductive and sexual health to South Shore Women's Care, in Lindenhurst, New York. For an integrative approach to sexual health, call the nearest office today or request an appointment online.

Sexual Health Q & A

What is sexual health?

Sexual health involves a wide range of factors that influence your relationship to sexuality. Along with physical, mental, and spiritual health, good sexual health is one of the main pillars of overall well-being. Healthy relationships, planned pregnancies, and disease prevention are all part of sexual health.

At South Shore Women's Care, Dr. Fomitcheva promotes a positive approach to sexual health by addressing the multitude of aspects that contribute to a fulfilling experience of intimacy, love, and sexuality. She treats people of all sexual orientations and gender identities with respect and provides a safe and supportive environment to encourage sexual health.

What factors can affect my sexual health?

Sexual health requires a respectful and affirmative approach to sexuality and intimate relationships as well as safe and pleasurable sexual experiences. Factors that can interfere with sexual health include:

  • Sexual violence or discrimination
  • Fear of unplanned pregnancy
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Concerns about infertility


Additionally, certain medical conditions and treatments can affect your sexual desire or performance. While these factors apply to everyone, Dr. Fomitcheva understands that the LGBTQ+ community is especially affected.

How does sexual health affect women’s reproductive health?

Sexual health is an essential part of your reproductive health and overall well-being. Whether you’re trying to get pregnant, want to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), or are concerned about painful intercourse, Dr. Fomitcheva can help. She provides individualized care with a positive approach to sexual health.


After discussing your particular concerns and reviewing your medical history, Dr. Fomitcheva creates a customized plan tailored to your needs. This may include counseling on birth control and STD prevention, advice on improving your fertility, or treatments aimed at improving your sexual experiences.

How can I maintain sexual health at any age?

Sexual health applies to people of all ages, from teens to older adults. Dr. Fomitcheva works with women ages 12 and up to establish safe and effective goals for achieving sexual health.

Sometimes, women who’ve gone through menopause or those who’ve had hysterectomy surgery can experience difficulties in maintaining an active and satisfying sex life. Dr. Fomitcheva can help you overcome these hurdles and maintain sexual health throughout your life.

For an integrative approach to sexual health, call South Shore Women's Care today or request an appointment online.